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Adult Background Checks
In order to keep our children safe, Athabasca Skating Club requires annual background checks for all of our adult assistants. The coaches follow Skate Canada's rules on background checks. The following letter will be sent out to our assitants on an annual basis.
Hi Jane Doe,
The Athabasca Skating Club requires annual background checks on all of it's adult assistants as a precaution to protect our children.
As part of the process, you will need to take the following to your local police department.
- This letter from the President of the club.
- Two government IDs with at least one photo ID (e.g. Driver's license, passport, health care card, citizenship card, etc)
If you live within the Athabasca County, most RCMP detachments offer free background checks, including Boyle and Athabasca. If you live outside of the Athabasca County, you must request a background check at a home RCMP detachment, and they may or may not provide free background checks.
If you receive a questionable review, due to partial matches with a criminal record, fingerprints will be required to finish the background check and clear you for becoming an assistant.
Trenton D. Adams
Athabasca Skating Club President
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